This weeks edition of Fabulous Finds on Etsy includes items for new babies and moms to be. Etsy is a great place to find original, organic and (I think I should put another O word in here .... hmmm can't think of anything) totally adorable baby items. Each of the pictures is linked to the shop's listing in case anything catches your eye!
Organic Baby Blanket:
Newborn Baby Hat:
The Piper Color Pop Loafer:
Wooden Owl Children's Blocks:
Nursery Print:
Stylish Diaper Bag:
I hope everyone is enjoying getting ready for Christmas! Only 20 days until Santa makes his appearance! I am super behind on my to-do list. By super behind I mean I haven't done anything yet ... DOH! I'm hoping to try and play a little catch up this weekend. Happy shopping!